How to Invite Neighbors to Nextdoor with Postcards and Flyers

By Gavin | October 09, 2018

In this post, you'll learn how to invite neighbors to, the social network, if you are a service provider specifically a real estate agent, becoming well known in the neighborhood is going to be key for getting your next-door reputation at its highest.


Sending invites to your neighbors

I know we don't live in all of the neighborhoods, but the one that you do live in, and it is very recommended. So by sending invites to your neighbors, you're able to get some name recognition and next door actually pays for the postcards that they send out.

All you have to do is come over here and click log into next door in your personal account, not your business account, your personal account log into next door, then over here you're going to on the right-hand side, you're going to click invite if you're on a desktop or a laptop notebook computer.


Use mail or social channels to invite

Then over here you have the ability to enter an email if you have your neighbor's email, you can also use social channels using your contacts, and over here on the right-hand side, you can send a postcard to distribute flyers or share links. I'll show you send postcards now.

In my case, I have no more postcards remaining, because I have to wait for somebody to accept them, but what you'll find is there is a map, and the map shows the house spaces and they're colored. If I go over here and look at next doors explanation on postcards, what they say is there's a color code.

Postcards color code meaning

Let's see where red means they have not yet joined next door, green means they've already joined, and orange means they've been invited but have not yet responded. So if you see red on there you can click them send postcards, when people accept those postcards then you have the ability to send more postcards.


Here's what the postcard looks like very nice, inviting them to use your code and invite, and join next door. Here's your name, it's your neighbor and it's your name and the street address, not your actual house but the street that you live in, and then here you can cancel postcards if you have sent them as well. That's pretty simple, and they pay for it.

To distribute flyers you can create printable invitations

Then here you have if you go back to click here to distribute flyers you can now create printable invitations that you yourself are going to manage, and so there are Flyers, there are flier tariffs, there are postcards that you can mail, there's a window sign.

There are door hangers and business cards, for example, let's say you want to walk the neighborhood cuz your Geographic farming the neighborhood, here's a sponsored by next-door you've got. We're using next-door to make our neighborhood stronger and safer, and here's how to join and then your name is going to be, you can print this and put whatever you want on there.


Nextdoor business card is fantastic

I guess you would just want to have those made into door hangers, here's a next-door business card, which I think would be fantastic if you're actually meeting the neighbors. Here's the postcard we've used next-door to find lost pets, share babysitters, and stop car break-ins.

It's kind of like a neighborhood watch postcard there, and then here's your tear invitation, so you could put those at the nearby mailbox or wherever Community Center wherever you're allowed to post something like that.


Your name little note on here, it is branding that you're able to use another third party, kind of endorsement, although it's not really an endorsement you're kind of endorsing them, it also intermixes, it looks like they're endorsing you. That is how you invite other neighbors to next-door.

Other web page resource

How to invite neighbors: